Where to?

360’ multi instrumentalist messing with people and machines.
Here’s my YouTube channel.
Just a simple bunch of elements ready for some Impaktorial exploration.
Sine wave based velocity driven bells patch with some simple fm.
Percussive version of the DrumBox. Reworked throughout but the concept is the same. I just…
4 Euclidean sequencers wrapped in a user friendly package. The groove slider is internally connected…
Mellotronesque sound with a host of noises and inaccuracies.
Poor man’s hang Prompted by the Karplus Strong discussion on the BeepStreet forum involving @rs2000…
A very simple synth patch reminiscent of the sound of the 80’s. The patch is…
An attempt to make a hand playable patch for bop pad by KCMillen. Here’s quadrant…
Sequence punch in effects, somewhat reminiscent of Effectrix albeit quite a bit simpler. Still fun…
I’ve made it as someone’s requested a similar arp to one In Arp Odyssey. Subsequent…
The objective was to achieve a simplest and lightest synthetic drum machine. I’ve added DJ…