A “Manual Step” button for advancing through sequencer steps.

Hi all, I’m wondering if it’s possible for a Mozaic script to be created that allows a user to advance through a given sequence of notes (or velocities etc.) by repeatedly tapping a single button (to advance to the next step in the sequence) which acts as a human clock for timing and duration?

2 comments on “A “Manual Step” button for advancing through sequencer steps.
  • markd on said:

    It would probably be best to look for sequencers that can be clocked with note input instead of the host clock. A MIDI keyboard or other hard- or software controller can then provide the buttons.
    There are some Mozaic sequencers like Hypno Sequence https://patchstorage.com/hypno-sequence/ that can do this.
    And there are dedicated sequencer apps like Arthur Kerns “MIDIdreams” and “MIDIsteps” that have this functionality on the App Store.

  • p-osborn123yahoo-com on said:

    Thanks so much for your advice Markd, really appreciate it!

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