This is a basic AUM patch created to generate random presets inside Lagrange by Iceworks.
Special Thanks to @Wim for his help with this.
Apps Needed
Mozaic – with Mega CC Randomizer Script – available free from Patchstorage
Link for Mozaic Script
Lagrange Midi Mappings by Channel
Ch1 – osc 1 type & all parameters
Ch2 – osc 2 type & all parameters
Ch3 – noise type & all parameters
Ch4 – envelopes – both 1 & 2 all parameters
Ch5 – lfos – both 1 & 2 all parameters
Ch6 – filters – 1 & 2 type & all parameters
Ch7 – amp – all parameters
Ch8 – delay – all parameters
Ch9 – Routing Type
To create a new random preset in Lagrange, simply double tap or turn the random knob past half way inside Mozaic, using the Mega CC script. This will randomize 99% of the parameters in Lagrange, creating a new preset. It takes 1-2 seconds for everything to change.
You can randomize the entire synth or only certain sections. In Mozaic channels 1-9 are all turned on, which randomizes everything, but if you only want to randomize only certain parts of Lagrange, just turn off the channels you do not want to randomize inside Mozaic by pressing the channel pad. See the Lagrange Midi Mappings by Channel list above, to see what parts of Lagrange are on what midi channels.
In general this has been giving me some good results. The majority of the time you will need to do some tweaking to get the sound you like. Some of the randomly created presets are really odd, or low volume, or even no volume. I could have limited more of the results to have more consistency but I didn’t want to limit any of the possibilities in the presets it will create. If you get a random patch that doesn’t sound great or is off in some way you can either randomize again, or check a few parameters to fix it.
Notice – I have been having trouble getting the toggle buttons to change with each randomization. There are 8 total toggle buttons, and although they are midi mapped, and set up properly they haven’t been responding like they should. You can manually switch the toggles on off as needed.
8 toggle buttons total
2 – Envelope A & B – Positive/Negative Envelope
4 – LFO A & B – sync and key sync
1 – Amp – Amp Modulation Pan or Level
1 – Delay – ping pong on or off
These random patch creators are great!
I like the illusion of having some control over the randomization.. 😎
Putting this patch info inside of AUM’s Notes section per project, is a great idea.. I was starting to copy + paste some of these and then noticed the last 2 were already done.. Nice touch.. 👍
Should be standard for ALL AUM patches here on patchstorage..
Well done..