Where to?

I'm an "old-school patcher".
I'm the prophet of MINIMALISM, the prophet of Single VCO Configurations / Patches.
And for some good reasons.
*- VCO modules aren't cheap, usually.
*- Often they don't offer all the desired waveforms (most of the times the sine wave is missing).
*- Sometimes, they do. But, most likely, not simultaneously. So you can't make a multi-wave sound.
*- Or they do, and simultaneously, but the module is too deep for most of the racks or skiffs
(i.e.: Deopfer A-110) can't fit the Moog 104 HP skiff, nor the cheaper skiff clone from Behringer
*- More often than not, your dream module has been D-I-S-C-O-N-T-I-N-U-E-D (i.e.: 2HP OSC, Doepfer A-147, ALL MODULES by Mutable Instruments, ...)
My aim is to encourage the use of "simple", analog (or "digitanalog" *) modules,
which retain the taste of the original modules of the 60s and 70s classical vintage synths.
I'm often focusing on minimal setups, to help beginners build a physical starter synth even with a limited amount of modules.
Coming from the software programming world, I'm loyal to the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) principle.
But sometimes I'm (b)eaten by my inner demons.
* Meaning discrete logic integrated circuits - not based on the nowadays' horrible tendency of using microcontrollers (often, Arduino or Teensy based).
klaussualk 2 weeks ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. I’m still wondering how much a single VCO can…
klaussualk 2 months ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. Delightful, little VCO (well, I can hardly define “little”…
klaussualk 4 months ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. I’m still having a lot of fun with a…
klaussualk 4 months ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. I’m still challenging myself on a never ending “single…
klaussualk 5 months ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. I’m still amazed by discovering how much a single…
klaussualk 6 months ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. I’m still exploring the limits of a single VCO…
klaussualk 7 months ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. Maybe I’m stressing this poor VCO a bit too…
klaussualk 7 months ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. Amazing single VCO! Gonna overheat it… As simple as…
klaussualk 8 months ago
Dual VCO, dual LFO paraphonic drone. As usual, overlaying some time-delayed instances (i.e.: 30 secs…
klaussualk 10 months ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. Single VCO… Why not? Fear not: Life is just…
klaussualk 10 months ago
Dual VCO, dual LFO paraphonic drone. Losely inspired by EMS Synthy A. As usual, overlaying…
klaussualk 12 months ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. Single VCO… Why not? Mixing the same Sounds with…
klaussualk 1 year ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. Believe it or not, a single VCO has a…
klaussualk 1 year ago
Yet another “single VCO generative patch”. I’m still delighted by using only one VCO. Check…
klaussualk 1 year ago
Big Brother is watching (and listening to) you!!! As usual, overlaying some time-delayed instances (i.e.:…