
9187 Reputation
308 Patches
Member since April 23, 2019
Discord chmjacques

I create instruments for the Empress Effects ZOIA. -/Z/-

I also curate a ZOIA Tips & Tricks page, which can be found here: -/Z/-

If you use one of my patches in something, please consider sharing the work in the comments for that patch -- so that others can get a sense of what the patch can do -- or tagging me in your social media posts. -/Z/-

If you want to get in touch with me, you can find me on the ZOIA Discord (@chmjacques; invite: You can also ask patch-specific questions in the comments section of the patch's Patchstorage page or YouTube video (if a corresponding video exists). I no longer take questions via private message/direct message. -/Z/-

This is my Bandcamp; lots of ZOIA generative music to be had: -/Z/-

The answers to the two most common things people ask me about myself:
1) I am not an Empress employee.
2) My background/training is in literary analysis (specifically American antebellum novels and political tracts). I only passed pre-calculus because my teacher liked me/took pity on me. My experience with modular synthesis was pretty meager before encountering ZOIA. -/Z/-