Insert Mode Program. Configured for Series Routing (default) or Parallel Routing. Program MIX 45-50% (via EXP1. Thru-0 Flanger into Thru-0 Flanger. Programmed for stereo use.
Unabashedly, all about the modulation. Complex LFO & envelope flanging interactions, yielding to slower jet plane-type sweeps using an expression pedal.
EXP1 sweeps Program Mix, and Depth, Speed, Dly Offset, Depth Mod, Mod Sense-Mod Rate and Manual in both Flanger instances. EXP2 is optional – saved at the Heel position – controlling Speed Mod in both Flanger instances.
All three HotKnobs are pre-programmed for making fine adjustments to several of the effects. Customize the sound, using these variations:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) – adjusts Shape in both Flangers. [default = 5]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) – adjusts Mod Source in Flanger1. [default = 70].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) – adjusts Mod Source in Flanger2. [default = 70].
Other options include RETRIGGER in either Flanger. Press both simultaneously to sync both LFOs. Added HotSwitch options for Positive, Negative, or Jet Flanger Types [CAREFUL with this last one!].
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.