Hello there, I am wild sampler! I create truly unpredictable arrangements. I have essentially
eight tracks(more like steps) to load into my sequencer. But some Tracks(steps) have a feature to
hold more than one sample, and I cycle through the samples at random per step on this
designated steps. It’s up to you to program what sounds are loaded into each buffer slot and can
choose the start/stop section I sample from the loaded sounds/loops. Adjusting the BPM of me
makes things get super interesting for example I can generate loops samples that make sense at
reasonable BPMs. (I.E. 70-180). Now when I get into fictitious BPM ranges like 1000, loops turn
almost granular, especially if you make the start and finish of the loops super tiny. I hope I make
no sense to you and it really implores you to discover sound in an unconventional way!
SIDE NOTE: previously V1 didn’t have this really crude spatial audio which allows some
weird panning per step thats absolutely at the programmed rate affiliated with the tempo.