Insert Mode Program. Series Routing (default). Equally as interesting in optional Parallel Routing, for your everyday extraterrestrial applications. Program MIX 40-50% (via EXP1). Push this one further back for some needed subtlety. Crystals into Crystals, with stereo use in mind. Simple tempo changes reveal many unique parameter combinations.
Base Program: complementary inversion of Pitch parameters, in pairs. It brings an erratic mix of (mainly) forward delays, neutralized in pitch, with just a hint of the reversed pitch-shifting underneath.
Foot control uncovers the shifted reverses, increases reverb and/or RT-60 times, with variable feedback (up to micro-looping). Momentary performance techniques: Program TAP, individual octave-up FLEX switching, and bell-tree FX. Also, a switched latch to all Unison delays, with metallic sustaining that barely peeks out of the background.
EXP1 controls Program Mix, plus Verb Mix in both Crystals instances, with a Mix reduction to Crystals-2. EXP2 is mapped to Verb Decay, plus Feedback A & B in both Crystals instances (saved at Heel).
HotKnob mappings, for making parameter adjustments:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) change Pitch A & B in both Crystals instances [default = 68]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Rev Delay A & B in Crystals-1 [default = 45].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Rev Delay A & B in Crystals-2 [default = 95].
* MIDI CC# 7 Crystals-1 + Crystals-2 Mix
* MIDI CC# 8 Crystals-1 Pitch Mix
* MIDI CC#40 Crystals-2 Pitch Mix
Other options:
* FLEX Crystals-1
* FLEX Crystals-2
* Program-wide TAP: 30 BPM – initially set to maximize delay ranges.
* HS2 (M) – a variation on the classic Crystals bell-tree pitch-shifting & feedback.
* HS3 – Shift all Pitch parameters to Unison, with longer trails of delay & decay.
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.