Waterfall 2.0

Patch overview:
Polyphonic synthesizer that plays notes in increasing or decreasing octaves.

It is an updated, hybrid version of the older ‘Waterfall Up’ and ‘Waterfall Down’ patches.
When a note is played, the patch will arpeggiate in increasing or decreasing octaves depending on setting. There are settings for arpeggiation rate and note length. Select synth waveform. Add a second voice per note that is a 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, or Octave above or below the root or arpeggiated note.

A typical use case would be:
1. Set waveform for synthesis
2. Set octave range for keyboard
3. Set loop preference: One Loop or Loop While Holding
4. Set range for arpeggiation.
5. Set second voice note.
6. Set arpeggiation interval and length of note(s).
7. Record/Loop sequences of notes/knob changes.
8. Revisit the above steps in any order as needed.

To do steps 1, 2, 3 & 7 above you will need to use the ‘Aux Menu’. The Aux Button controls the ‘Aux Menu’. When you press Aux for 0.2 seconds, a new menu is displayed on OLED Screen for as long as you hold Aux. To select an Aux Menu command/Page, use the Top Row of Organelle keys. There are 10 possible commands selected by the 10 keys. The low C# key selects Top Left command. The High A# key selects the Bottom Right command. The Command Grid is to be read from top left to bottom, then top right to bottom.

The following commands are available on the Aux Menu’s Right Column:

Wave: There are two commands with the same name. Selecting the top command will cycle the waveform selection one step backward. Selecting the lower command will cycle the waveform one step forward.

OctDwn – Selecting this command will drop the keyboard one octave. Lowest transposition is -4 octaves.

OctUp – Selecting this command will raise the keyboard one octave. Maximum transposition is +4 octaves.

Loop: Toggles between ‘1x’ and ‘Inf’. Selecting ‘1x’ means that the arpeggiation will happen once per key press. The ‘Inf’ setting will loop the arpeggiation for as long as key is pressed. The Loop setting will apply to sequences too – see next commands.

The following commands are available on the Aux Menu’s Left Column:

Seq:Play/Stop – Plays or Stops selected sequence

Rec:Off/Armd – Controls Keyboard Sequence Recording. When selected, Sequence is first Record Armed (Enabled). LED will be Pink. Sequencer is waiting for knob adjustment, key press or incoming MIDI note. When knob adjusted, key pressed or MIDI Note received, Recording starts. LED is Red. To end recording, press Aux (new seq begins looping immediately). LED will be Green and flash White on quarter note. Sequence length will be quantized to nearest quarter note.

Dub:Off/On – Overdub on top of existing sequence. Counts in 3 Sec before starting recording. To end recording, press Aux and sequence begins looping immediately.

Undo – Reverts Sequence to previous state. If this command says ‘Undid’ you cannot ‘undo’ further.

Latch: Off/On – Turn on to keep notes playing after release.

The Bottom Row of keys selects one of 14 Sequence ‘slots’ to record sequences to. Changing sequence slot will change the number that precedes the command in the left column.

When recording a sequence, you can record adjustments to the knobs!


When the Aux Menu is not visible, the patch page is displayed by default. Use Knobs 1-4 to control these settings:

Knob1: Range: -5 to +5 octaves of arpeggiation.
Knob2: Unison: Sets note type and octave for second voice. ‘None’ means no second voice.
Knob3: Roll Speed: Sets interval between arpeggiated notes. Range is 25 – 3000ms.
Knob4: Length: Sets length of arpeggiated note from 25 – 3000ms.


If you like a recording sample and/or setting, don’t forget to ‘Save’ in the Storage menu.

Play up to eight keyboard notes at once.

MIDI Start and Stop commands will start sequencer.

Foot Switch: N/A


Fun Idea – Turn Latch on. Set Loop to ‘Inf’ Arpeggiate a chord on keyboard and the patch will maintain your played time interval.


Image Attribution:
Mr.ちゅらさん, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

9 comments on “Waterfall 2.0
  • Felix Petrescu on said:

    smth is buggy system-wise in this patch!
    It wont respond to my Organelle M on/off button and it has other weird sytem issues :(
    hope you can fix it. thnx

  • Critter & Guitari on said:

    Hi @Felix P – thanks for the update. We have not heard of similar issues from other users. We’ve tested the patch on different Organelles / Organelle Ms without any problems. Can you try deleting and reinstalling the patch? If the problem persists, please contact us: https://www.critterandguitari.com/contact

  • Angelo_Sindaco on said:

    sorry to bother but i don’t undrestand how you change bpm… thanks

  • Felix Petrescu on said:

    Critter & Guitari: smth was wrong with my sd card:( Now all ok. ( but still – strange behaviour)
    I pushed the sd card before to remove it but I wasnt able to get it out :( and I guess smth happened. Now I just pushed it deep again and all works as expected. Still cant get the card out but at least all works… For me – the sd slot/mechanism is a very strange choice…

  • Critter & Guitari on said:

    Hi @Felix P – you should only remove the SD card when you are flashing the OS. To load patches on to the SD card, you should be using the USB-WiFi adapter. This is covered in the manual. If you don’t want to use WiFi, you can use a USB drive for patch storage.

  • Critter & Guitari on said:

    Hi @Angelo_Sindaco, the tempo you see on the OLED screen is only for the sequencer. If you send MIDI clock or join a Link session, that BPM will change.

  • Angelo_Sindaco on said:

    ok but how can I change bpm if i just use the organelle sequencer?

  • Critter & Guitari on said:

    @Angelo – without incoming tempo, the sequencer uses the set 120BPM tempo to quantize the sequence length to the nearest quarter note at 120 BPM. If you want to change the speed of the sequence, you can rerecord it faster/slower.

  • rhystoye on said:

    When I load this nothing happens, other patches work but this one wont make any noise.

    anyone have any idea why?

  • Leave a Reply

    • Platform:
    • Category: Synthesizer
    • Revision: 1.0
    • License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
    • Modified: 4 years ago
    • Views: 415
      Likes: 5
      Downloads: 423