VCV Rack #87 Ep.3: Moon Rendezvous (vcv3minchallenge)

This is my little attempt at the VCV 3-minute challenge Ep.3: Moon Rendezvous: I really like the moon topic. My attempt didn’t work out so well. Also, the patch is unfortunately overcrowded with CPU intensive modules, but I’m releasing it now anyway^^.

Here is a little explanation about the patch and the performance steps.
1. The first 3 mixer controls are for the drone sound at the beginning and at the end. They are turned up one after the other in the first scene. For the sound at mixer 2, I recorded the sound from mixer 1 with the Complex Simpler and played it backwards. When recording, the red cable was not connected to hold, but with voct in Supercell.
2. Next, the sound that sounds like a flute with piano was turned up with mixer control 6, then mixer controls 1, 3 and 2 were slowly turned down.
3. The bell sound at mixer control 7 is turned up and I play a little with the timbre cv of the macro oscillator 2. By turning it to the left the wow wow sound is created.
4. The release control of the ADSR (piano flute) is turned down, then the noise control of the wave module is turned up and finally the cable to the adsr gate is removed. This creates a short reverberating noise.
5. Mixer group 3 is turned down so that only the delay sound of the bell can be heard and mixer control 5 is turned up. This is supposed to be a kind of singing alien. I got the idea from Omri’s last stream :). I used an old voice recording of mine for this, where I’m talking about Mars, but you can’t understand any of the text anyway^^.
6. Mixer control 4 (plucks) is turned up and the singing alien and all other sounds are turned down with group control 2 in the mixer.
7. Next, the drone sounds 1,2 and 3 are briefly turned up again, the singing alien is faded out and finally all sounds are faded out.

I can’t explain very well. I hope you can imagine it more or less. I will put my voice recording in the zip file, but I can’t add the recording for mixer channel 2 because of the file size limit for uploads. But I think you can record it yourself. Simply change the red cable of the first supercell to voct and press the record button of the first complex simpler, after 10-20 sec press it again.

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  • Category: Effect Sound Video
  • Revision: 1.0
  • License: Creative Commons license family
  • Modified: 3 years ago
  • Views: 84
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