VCV Rack #37: Drones for meditation

In this video I’m building a drone sound. For a drone sound you usually need a VCO with low frequency, a lot of reverb and a little bit of variation in the noise. I also added crackle noises and spoke some text to make the drone sound more interesting. At least I added something that sounds like a humming child. Ok, now imagine, you are alone in a big abandon house, it is dark and cold. You are hearing a drone noise, perhaps from an alectrical device running somewhere in the house. As you concentrate on this persistent and calming sound, you will notice voices now and then, sometimes even something that sounds like a humming child. Are you imagining all this?
Ok, I have a strange idea of meditation sounds, hihihi :D
I like Drone Sound. They’re kind of like Rorschach tests for the ears. If you listen for a long time and let your imagination play a little bit, you can imagine interesting pictures about it. Similar to my little story with the abandoned house ;-)

Used Modules:

# Mixing
+ EqMaster (MindMeld)
+ MixMaster (MindMeld)
+ AuxSpander (MindMeld)
+ Plateau (Valley)
+ Chronoblob 2 (Alright Devices)
+ Surge Phaser (Surge)

# Drone1 (0:42 | Sample: 13:00)
+ Clocked (Impromptu Modular)
+ Fate (Geodesics)
+ AD (Bogaudio)
+ Stack (Bogaudio)
+ LLFO (Bogaudio)
+ Macro Oscillator 2 (Audible Instruments)
+ Texture Synthesizer (Audible Instruments)

# Drone2 (14:38 | Sample: 24:06)
# It was planned as a drone sound, but this is an effect.
+ Bias/Semitone (Little Utils)
+ Sequencial Switch 8-1 (ML-Modlules)
+ Booty Shifter (Squinky Labs)
+ Caudal (Vult)
+ Texture Synthesizer (Audible Instruments)

# Crackle (28:00 | Sample: 33:30)
+ Macro Oscillator 2 (Audible Instruments)
+ Texture Synthesizer (Audible Instruments)
+ Booty Shifter (Squinky Labs)

# Melody (34:50 | Sample: 42:50)
+ Walk2 (Bogaudio)
+ Re-Win Quantizer (Repelzen)
+ Fate (Geodesics)
+ ADSR (Bogaudio)
+ Macro Oscillator 2 (Audible Instruments)
+ Tangents (Vult)
+ VCA-1 (VCV)

# Voices (44:00 | Sample: 53:20)
+ Fate (Geodesics)
+ Fate (Geodesics)
+ Bernoulli Gate (Audible Instruments)
+ QuadSimpler (Nysthi)
+ Texture Synthesizer (Audible Instruments)
+ Recorded voice lyrics (

# Humming Child (55:10 | Sample: 59:38)
+ ADSR (Bogaudio)
+ Macro Oscillator 2 (Audible Instruments)
+ 2 x LLFO (Bogaudio)

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect Sound Video
  • Revision: 1.0
  • License: Creative Commons license family
  • Modified: 4 years ago
  • Views: 561
    Likes: 3
    Downloads: 285