Very Cool Patch Challeng #64 for VCV Rack. The challenge was to do something with “4/20”. I thought about rhythm. You can divide 20 beats into 5 bars of 4 beats or into 4 bars of 5 beats. I decided to do both. You hear a melody in 4/8 and another in 5/8, playing together. Furthermore there are two drumkits, one playing in 4/8 and the other (you guessed it) in 5/8 and they are crossfading. I am very happy with the idea to use a sequential switch to switch in double tempo between the two main melodies. That turned out really nice. This already may be a bit disorienting,but there’s more. I mistakenly concluded that the assignment had something to do with cannabis, so I added some Gong-like effects. There’s the clocked delay, the filter sweep on the third melody and some sort of accelarating siren. The locomotive sound was more or less inspired by Patrick Moraz.