
V 0.2
– Added per-loop launch quantization setting with master-clock quantization
– Changed knob assignments and operation to add better precision
(See How-To below for changes.)
– Prevents accidentally changing BPM setting during playback
– Added graphics to show currently selected loop

Using 3->- tulooper (‘tape looper 4 u’) with Oganelle and OP-1

The OP-1 (original, OS R.00245) is a class compliant, plug-and-play usb MIDI device and can be synced to external clock.

It is also able to receive MIDI song position pointer and MIDI transport messages.

Song position pointer (SPP) messages can be used to set the starting position of the OP-1 tape (on play/resume).

The tulooper patch uses these features to play random-access loops on your OP-1 tape. You can press the keys on your Organelle to select pre-programmed start points and loop lengths. The OP-1 will follow the timing of the Organelle, and the Organelle will tell it when to loop.

Note: Sometimes after changing loops, there is a brief silence at the ‘jump’. My guess is that this is a cacheing/buffering issue on the OP-1. It seems to occur more often with ‘big’ jumps around the tape.

Setup Guide – Important!

On the OP-1

1. Plug the OP-1 via USB into the Orgnanelle.

2. In the Tempo screen, select the correct BPM to match your music tempo. Use the green knob to select ‘SYNC’ mode.

3. In the Tape screen, disable the built-in ‘loop’ option (i.e. disable it with the ‘3’ button. ) The Organelle will control the looping activity.

On the Organelle

1. Go to Settings -> MIDI Setup. Disable both MIDI In and MIDI Out. This is to prevent the ‘notes’ keys from being sent from the OP-1 to the Organelle, and also from the Organelle to the OP-1.

2. Scroll down and select ‘Device: OP-1’. It should show up as an option when your OP-1 is plugged in via USB.

3. Save the MIDI settings, then go and open the tulooper patch.

4. Before starting playback, use KNOB 4 in the tulooper patch to set the BPM to match the BPM setting on your OP-1. This does not affect playback speed, but it does affect all the arithmetic that goes into looping at the correct parts of the OP-1 tape. (Hold AUX and turn KNOB 4 to set 10ths decimal place of BPM.)

Note: You cannot change the BPM match setting while tulooper is in playback mode.

How to use tulooper

1. Press the lower c# key on the Organelle keyboard to start/stop!
2. Press any other key (except aux) to select a loop start/length setting.
3. Note: The next loop setting takes affect at a time determined by its master launch quantization setting (1 bar by default).
4. If you want to loop immediately, hold AUX and press the desired loop key.

KNOB 1: Change start time for the selected loop (bars).
KNOB 2: Change the loop length for the selected loop (bars).
KNOB 3: Change the launch quantization for the selected loop (bars).
KNOB 4: Change the matching BPM setting.

NOTE: Adjustments to KNOB 4 are ignored during playback.

For each of the above, hold AUX and turn the knob to edit fractional values.

Usually, you would have loop length be 1:0:0, 2:0:0, or 4:0:0 bars, etc., and the launch quantization would be the same.

Have fun!

– @samesimilar 2022

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Sequencer Utility
  • Revision: 0.2
  • License: MIT License
  • Modified: 2 years ago
  • Views: 1510
    Likes: 7
    Downloads: 186