Insert Mode Program. Parallel Routing (default). Change to Series Routing for long, atmospheric soundscapes. Program MIX 45% (CC#11). TremoloVerb alongside UltraTap, with stereo use in mind.
Base Program: Dual tremolo-panners, slicing into parallel reverb and multitap delay. Pedal control over rates – decelerating in sync – and cross-panning of FX, or feedback (up to micro-looping), with added diffusion & modulation. Interesting interactions between 90- and 180-degree maximum offsets. Three HotSwitch variations for INF, FREEZE, & long decay with differing tap arrays. All controls above interact for combination effects.
* EXP1 increases TremoloVerb decreases Speed & High Freq while mixing down to mono, and decreases UltraTap Speed-Rise-Release while panning out to wide stereo.
* EXP1 also controls Manual Mod / Chop in each effect for [A] & [B] HotKnob values.
* EXP2 increases UltraTap Feedback & Slurm.
* Both expression pedals are saved at the full Heel treadle position.
HotKnob mappings, for overall decay / delay time adjustments & modulation waveform sources plus EQ:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) adjust TremoloVerb Decay, Size & Pre Delay + UltraTap Length & Pre Delay [default = 50 OR CC#1]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) adjust TremoloVerb Shape, Low & High Level [default = 50 OR CC#2].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust UltraTap Shape & Tone [default = 35 OR CC#3].
* MIDI CC# 1 [P] HotKnob
* MIDI CC# 2 [A] HotKnob
* MIDI CC# 3 [B] HotKnob
* MIDI CC# 7 [P] Program Out Gain
* MIDI CC# 8 TremoloVerb Mix
* MIDI CC# 9 UltraTap Taps
* MIDI CC#11 [P] Program Mix
* MIDI CC#12 UltraTap Spread
* MIDI CC#13 UltraTap Taper
* MIDI CC#40 UltraTap Mix
Other options:
* RETRIGGER TremoloVerb LFO [maximum 90 degree stereo offset].
* RETRIGGER UltraTap LFO [maximum 180 degree stereo offset].
* Both switches simultaneously to re-sync effects.
* HS1 – INFINITE reverb + long multitap variation.
* HS2 – FREEZE reverb + short multitap variation.
* HS3 – Long reverb + medium multitap variation.
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.