time machine

It’s a kind of buggy glitchy random shimmering reverse microlooping freeze or delay, with a low pass filter softening the sound and a reverb. It can give some very unexpected sounds, with four different canals you can use separately or simultaneously and two different modes (freeze or delay). When the VCA of a canal is OFF, it means the canal is ON. Set the mix of the canals in the matrix mixer. Hope you enjoy !


A : TIME STRETCH CANAL – switches ON / OFF the sound of the time stretch. By default set with a moderated feedback and a very slightly higher detuned echo, to adjust as you prefer. I also like the sound with feedback set around 0.65 but it’s harder to control.

B : PITCH SHIFT CANAL – switches ON / OFF the sound of the two granulars. They respectively pitch shift the time stretch one octave and one octave and a fifth higher in the saved setting, but you can set it differently to get very various sounds.

D : REVERSE TIME STRETCH CANAL – switches ON / OFF the reverse sound of the time stretch.

E : REVERSE PITCH SHIFT CANAL – switches ON / OFF the reverse sound of the two granulars. The fragment’s length of each reverse module isn’t the same for more randomness, but you can synchronize it.

You can try different combinations of A, B, D, E switches for very different sounds. All of thoses switches ON makes a lot of uncontrolled noise… Just one or two switches ON is easier to control. For example, only switches A and E ON…


C : DELAY / FREEZE – switches ON / OFF the onset detect and toggle modules so that the time stretch acts more like a glitchy delay OR like a buggy freeze. Set the onset detect threshold to make it freeze more or less often. Notice that the LFO on the time stretch’s position parameter slightly accelerates the repetitions of the time stretch by the end without changing their pitch.

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect
  • Revision: 0.1
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 4 months ago
  • Views: 265
    Likes: 1
    Downloads: 59