Insert Mode Program. Series Routing (default) or optional Parallel Routing. Program MIX 50%. Instant Flanger into Aggravate, with stereo use in mind.
Base Program: Clean signal, winding its way through nasty filth, with a strong emphasis on sweeping harmonics. All mixed down by envelopes, LFO & pumping compression. Foot control over the level of total destruction, meltdown rates and kill-switch FX.
* EXP1 increases Fuzz, Thick, & Bias in Aggravate.
* EXP2 controls Instant Flanger LFO Rate & Width, the [A] HotKnob, and Aggravate Pump Rate.
* Both expression pedals are saved at the full Heel position.
HotKnob mappings, for mod selection, feedback depth & invert + EQ:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Instant Flanger Source + Aggravate Filter Env [default = 25 / CC#1]
* [A] HotKnob (CW) adjust Instant Flanger Feedback [default = 0 / EXP2].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Aggravate Mids & Tone [default = 75].
* MIDI CC# 1 [P] HotKnob
* MIDI CC# 2 Instant Flanger Mode
* MIDI CC# 8 Instant Flanger Depth / Invert
* MIDI CC#40 Aggravate Mix
* MIDI CC#71 Aggravate Resonance
* MIDI CC#72 Aggravate Release
* MIDI CC#75 Aggravate Pump Depth
* MIDI CC#79 Instant Flanger Env Thresh
* MIDI CC#80 Instant Flanger Env Release
* MIDI CC#81 Instant Flanger Low Cut
* MIDI CC#82 Aggravate Octave
* MIDI CC#83 Aggravate Env Shape
* MIDI CC#84 Aggravate Pump Control
Other options:
* RETRIGGER in Instant Flanger or Aggravate.
* Both simultaneously to re-sync LFOs.
* HS1 – octave up squealing harmonics.
* HS2 – multi-parameter manual override for PUMP
* PUMP toggle
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.