Insert Mode Program. Series Routing (default), and supersized in optional Parallel Routing. Program MIX 45%. ModEchoVerb into HarModulator, with stereo use in mind.
Base Program: Delayed entrance of a flanged reverb, detuned by a couple of extra repeats-within-repeats. Variable foot control increases both modulation rates, with some pseudo-panning FX & bouncing delay taps. Alternately, for pedal-sweeping non-infinite feedback, and dropping out the reverb, while keeping both modulations & delays intact.
EXP1 increases the Mod Rate / Speed in both effects, while decreasing Delay A in HarModulator. EXP2 increases Feedback in both effects, while decreasing ModEchoVerb Decay. Both expression pedals are saved at Heel.
Fairly standard-issue Program, you say? Twist any one of these Knobs below – and also try changing the HarModulator Shape / CC#1. Geared for going off the rails on the Crazy Train.
HotKnob mappings, for making these parameter adjustments:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) select & adjust the Swept Verb-Flanger-Chorus Mix with HarModulator Mod Depth [default = 60]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) adjust ModEchoVerb Size [default = 25].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust HarModulator Pitch A with Pitch B [default = 50].
* MIDI CC# 1 HarModulator Shape
* MIDI CC# 2 ModEchoVerb Echo + HarModulator Delay B
* MIDI CC# 8 ModEchoVerb Mix
* MIDI CC#10 HarModulator Pitch Mix
* MIDI CC#40 HarModulator Mix
* MIDI CC#74 ModEchoVerb Echo Tone + Low & High Level
Momentary performance techniques:
* Retrigger HarModulator LFO.
* Octave-up FLEX switching.
* HS1 (M) – momentary Infinite decay in ModEchoVerb.
* HS2 – momentary or latching Freeze Decay in ModEchoVerb. Modulations & delays stay active over the top of the frozen signal.
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.