This is an example of a template I use in AUM. In this case the free synth Primer (by Audible Genius) receives midi notes from Atom Piano Roll 2 (APR2, by Victor Porof). For this example I used 2 patterns in APR2. Pattern 1 plays the note G repeatedly, and Pattern 2 plays C. I also have two instances of Step Bud (by Cem Olcay). The first one controls whether Pattern 1 or 2 from APR2 are being played (by the notes C-1 and Db-1, respectively). This happens on midi channel 7. The second one controls whether the audio channel (i.e. hosting the Primer synth) is muted (by the note C4) or not (by E4 on this example, but any other note that is not C4 will do the trick). This is controlled by midi channel 1. I hope this can be useful to those starting to learn how AUM works.
I also have LRC5, a free EQ byNeon Silicon, to shape the sound as wanted
AUM Audio Mixer
Template to trigger notes & change patterns and control channel mute
- Platform: AUM Audio Mixer
- Category: Utility
- Revision: 1.0
- License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
- Modified: 2 years ago
Views: 333Likes: 3Downloads: 20

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