Insert Mode Program. Parallel Routing (default) for FX separation across the soundstage. Use the optional Series Routing to get even choppier. Program MIX 50%. Filter Pong alongside UltraTap, with stereo use in mind.
Base Program: A single pair of deeply filter-swept ping-pong delays in series, immediately followed by a burst of clean delay taps from the center. Foot control adjusts the filter & tremolo rates & depth, regeneration, dual-diffusion, slight detuning, and pan positions.
There’s also a ‘micro-macro’ looping option, latching into a smooth blend with the other Performance & expression pedals’ actions. It’s a very interactive Program element: a happy accident generator. Useful to non-looper types for adding dynamic variety, breaking up the rigid rhythms, or injecting some intermittent delays.
EXP1 controls Mod Depth & Mod Speed in Filter Pong, along with Manual Chop, Speed & Width in UltraTap. EXP2 is mapped to the [P] HotKnob parameters listed below, plus Filter (mix) in Filter Pong. Both EXP pedals are saved at the full-Heel position.
HotKnob mappings, for making parameter adjustments:
* [P] HotKnob (CW) adjust Filter Pong Slur & Feedback + UltraTap Slurm & Feedback [default = 0]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Delay A & B in Filter Pong [default = 35].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust UltraTap Length & Pre Delay [default = 30].
* MIDI CC# 1 Filter Pong Mod Shape
* MIDI CC# 2 UltraTap Chop (type)
* MIDI CC# 3 UltraTap Taps
* MIDI CC# 8 Filter Pong Wet Mix
* MIDI CC#10 Filter Pong Delay Mix
* MIDI CC#12 UltraTap Spread
* MIDI CC#13 UltraTap Taper
* MIDI CC#40 UltraTap Mix
* MIDI CC#74 UltraTap Tone
Other options:
* REPEAT – Filter Pong delay buffer – momentary or latching.
* Program-wide TAP: 120 BPM
* HS3 – an alternate combination of Program parameters. Sensitive to most external stimuli. Latched for long-form dynamics & looping effects. For the occasional sprinkling of spices, change it to HS3 (M).
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.