Get lost in the Spiral with this Eyesy Trigger mode. When the audio Trigger threshold or the Trigger button is pressed a random assortment of spirals in random colors will appear on screen:
Knob1: Change Center Radius – Increase/Decrease the radius of the starting center point of each spiral.
Knob2: Change Number of Spiral Points – Increase/Decrease the number of points in each spiral, which adjusts the number of turns in each spiral.
Knob3: Adjust Angle Between Points – Expand/shorten the distance between spiral turns. This affects turn smoothness and overall “curvature” of the spiral line.
Knob4: Set Spiral Mode
— Spiral Color Generator: When knob is set to 0, randomly assign each spiral a new color
— Lost in Spiral: Knob value is above 0 and below 75%, randomly display up to 11 spirals on the screen with the current color set from the color generator. When Trigger is activated a random number of spirals will replace the current set.
— Spiral Alley: When knob value is above 75% two lines of 7 spirals will appear. Their only color is black and white. The rest of the controls are the same, except Knob3 will also move the spirals horizontally.
Knob5: Background Color
Looks great, appreciate the demo.
Will try it out once we hopefully get better control of PGM > modes