Stereo Loop Fader

A basic stereo wav player designed for making background textures. The patch features two stereo players which automatically loop whatever audio file is selected; the balance is determined by a crossfader, which can be controlled manually or automated by two LFO options. Each loop has its own eq controls, and both loops are fed into a stereo compressor with various sidechain options and a stereo reverb / diffuser.

I’m pretty new to working with sound files in PD so this is pretty barebones – stereo wav files must be placed in the ‘loops’ folder, following the naming convention 1.wav, 2.wav… 20.wav, etc. I have included a handful of my own recordings to get started. Select your file of choice on the first page and press the low C key to initiate Loop 1 and Low D for Loop 2. To change loops, press these buttons again. The high C and D keys can be used to fade the respective loops in and out, with an envelope time set on page 8. The compressor takes a bit of work to get used to but can be dialed in to react to an external input, useful for ducking the loops when playing over them.

Navigate through the patch using the ‘black’ keys; there are eight pages.

Page 1: Main Controls.
Knob 1: Select Loop 1 file.
Knob 2: Select Loop 2 file.
Knob 3: Set balance between files, if manual crossfade is enabled.
Knob 4: Volume of external input

Page 2: Loop 1 Filters.

Page 3: Loop 2 Filters.

Page 4: Crossfade settings.
Knob 1: Choose between manual control of loop crossfade, or sine / smooth random LFOs
Knob 2: Frequency for LFOs.
Knob 3: Minimum crossfade position for LFOs
Knob 4: Maximum crossfade position for LFOs
The min/max can be useful when using the random LFO to bias towards choosing more of one file, or to ensure that some of both files are audible.

Page 5: Compression I
Knob 1: Compression mix.
Knob 2: Sidechain input. Post-Fade means that the audible output of the crossfader is determining the gain-reduction in the compressor; Loop-1 / Loop 2 use the pre-crossfader output of the loop players (i.e. the gain reduction can be determined by a file that is not audible), and ext-in uses the organelles inputs.

Page 6: Compression II
Knob 1: Threshold for triggering compressor
Knob 2: Ratio of compressed to uncompressed signal
Knob 3: Response: attack/decay time in ms. for compression
Knob 4: Make-up gain. Careful, this can get loud – but can also be used to get a sort of crunchy lo-fi sound with extreme settings.

Page 7: Reverb
Knob 1: Mix of stereo plate reverb
Knob 2: Gain of mix into stereo all-pass diffuser
Knob 3: Determines the overall sound quality of the diffuser. Can make an unpleasant sound with high gain.
Knob 4: Feedback amount for diffuser. Behaves differently depending on Knob 3 setting, but shouldn’t be dangerous at any setting.

Page 8: Volume controls
Knob 1: Time for Loop 1 volume envelope
Knob 2: Time for Loop 2 volume envelope
Knob 3: Pre-crossfader gain for Loop 1
Knob 4: Pre-crossfader gain for Loop 2

Known Issues: Changing the files will cause a digital noise to occur if any part of the patch is issuing sound. I don’t yet know how to avoid this, so the main purpose of the patch is to set up a soundscape and let it run, rather than changing loops continually.

Andy Farnell’s Designing Sound for basic loop player design, @same-similar for gen~ external maker, @t8r for plate verb, Graham Wakefield and Gregory Taylor for ideas from the GSOT book, Varun Nair for the compressor design, @baptiste for page management.

Sound Files:
1: Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa) leaves in the wind, Van Duzen river
2: Dawn chorus, Whiskey Flat, Humboldt State Park
3: Afternoon crickets, Humboldt State Park
4: Afternoon birdsong, Tilden State Park
5: Heavy rain on skylight
6&7: Stereo static collage

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    • Platform:
    • Category: Utility
    • Revision: 0.1
    • License: MIT License
    • Modified: 3 months ago
    • Views: 531
      Likes: 3
      Downloads: 80