space echo

A three-head space echo style delay, with long decay spring reverb and chorus/vibrato, as well as a noise gate.

A: activate/deactivate delay + tap tempo.
B: activate/deactivate vibrato and reverb on the dry sound. Switches the dry sound to the tape preamp simulation or not. If you set VCA4 to a value greater than 0, this gives a chorus effect on the dry sound.
C: activate/deactivate the noise gate.
D: enable/disable the reverb on the dry sound.
E: turn the delay feedback all the way up.

The three delays in parallel are synchronized to the same tap tempo. You can adjust their sound volume or mute some to have a single or two-head delay in the matrix mixer settings.

The delays come out in a sort of tape preamp simulation created by the WARMTH, SATURATOR and MONO COMP modules. The “tape” effect is also created by the vibrato and also by LFO1 which is connected to the tones of the delays. Feel free to adjust all that to adjust the tape effect to your liking.

You can adjust the division of time in the delay parameters, and I added a TEMPO RATIO 3 module for delay 3 in order to have the possibility of setting the latter to a repetition longer than the time.

To adjust the feedback of the delays, you have to put the value you want in the VALUE OFF parameter of the FOOTSWITCH E module, or disconnect this module and adjust the feedback of each delay separately.

The reverb is set to a spring reverb in the MONO VERB module, made deeper by the decay of the BASIC REVERB module. To be adjusted as you wish.

The noise gate is useful if you want to push the compressor all the way to create even more of a saturated tape-like preamp effect because it also produces hiss. We adjust the treshold in ONSET DETECT, the closing and opening speed in the SLEW LIMITER.

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect
  • Revision: 0.2
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 9 months ago
  • Views: 336
    Likes: 2
    Downloads: 96