SP404 MKII + Midihub = Velocity Layers, Release Sounds, Pedal Noises

This Midihub patch was made for the SP404 MKII. I play the SP404 with a midi keyboard. What are the benefits from the use of Midihub here? With Midihub I am able to use:

– 2 (or more) velocity layers (nice for e. g. drums or pianos)
– triggering key release sounds when you left your finger from the keyboard (e. g. clicks of a piano hammer mechanic)
– triggering sustain pedal noises (down and up for even more realistic feeling)

I use one whole project inside the SP404 for one piano sound (6+ octaves with 2 velocity layers). Since a newer update there is a „Midi Mode B“ in the SP404 which allows you to play banks A – E with midi channel 1 and banks F – J with midi channel 2. One one Bank (e. g. A) fits one and a third octave. So you can store around 6 octaves with two velocity layers plus sounds for release and pedal noises.

I exported the single sounds of the keys in my DAW and placing them on the single pads. I started with the low velocity layer around velocity 45 (C0 on Bank A, Pad 13 …C1 on Bank A, Pad 1 etc. on midi channel 1). After that I placed the very loud velocity (127) on the „secondary“ Banks F –J (Midi channel 2).
Here are detailed infos for the midi implementation of the SP404:

Now I can play the nicest, most realistic rhodes- and felt piano sound with special sounds for pedal noise etc. from inside my VSTs but DAWLESS. Very Nice Man!

Here are the meanings of the five rows in the Midihub patch:

1: Release Sound triggering (Bank E)
2: Low Tone Velocity sounds (Bank A -E)
3: Loud Tone Velocity (Banks F – J)
4: Sustain Pedal Sounds Down (Bank E)
5: Sustain Pedal Sound Up (Bank E)

!!! I used the Beta version of Midihub software:
https://community.blokas.io/t/beta-1-14-4-midihub-editor-1-14-2-midihub-firmware-minor-fixes/4949/1 (it will soon be released as a public stable build) !!!

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect Other Sampler Utility
  • Revision: 0.1
  • License: Custom License
  • Modified: 11 months ago
  • Views: 1402
    Likes: 1
    Downloads: 47