Version of Soothsayer preset (a modulating brass like preset) with chorus added in standard Osmose chorus configuration.
Note: Version 1.2 scales better and removed Waterphone convolution that easily causes distortion.
Macro Controllers:
i – Timbre (Changes timbre to less mellow)
ii – Body – Changes convolutions through (Metal, Wood, Fiber, Waterphone 1)
iii – BodyAmt (Changes amount of convolution body applied)
iv – Breath (adds more noise/breath)
v – Chorus (Adds standard Osmose chorusing effect)
vi – Brassy (changes tone a bit more on the brassy side)
Y/Aftertouch – increases Spectral balance of oscillators creating a filter-opening like effect.
Mono Mode: (Pressure weighted Portamento) – set to semitone. Change that as you see fit.
Ped1 = Sustain
Ped2 = Timbre