song recorder template

in the everlasting quest of learning to use the amazing and fun VCV for making songs (instead of a boring daw), the amazing “remove lite” from stoermelder comes to the rescue. with this uber powerful module one can easily make a setup (like in my template) that allows fairly painless automation recordings (i.e. live performances that can be played back years from now to awe and scare your grandkids), all in vcv.

sure you could just use entrian’s excellent “timeline” module, but that one is also like a boring ass daw and srs- this way is much more much funner.

steps to use:
1. make sure the button with the sticky note marked as “play” is set to off.
2. setup the mixer fader knobs to wherever you want them to be when you start recording
3. hit the big fat record button. move some knobs around. have some fun.
4. when you are satisfied with your performance, hit the record button again to stop the recording
5. hit the reset button, then play button to listen back to your amazing performance recording (add a record module to make a .wav file of your mind bogglingly soon to be top 40 jam)
6. add in your own amazing sounds and sequences to make the track of a lifetime!!

fun tips:
1. add midi cc’s into the “in” of each remove lite instance to be able to do your performances via a midi controller.

2. add some more remove lites into the array there to record even more crazy things along the way!

3. if you have a lot of generative stuff in there, it will be a joy for you and all your cats to listen to over and over and over again ad infinitum.

4. the .zip file comes with a “strip” preset so you can easily load the remove array + mixer setup from this rack. if you haven’t already discovered and leveraged the mind blowing joys of stoermelder’s strip module DO IT NOW!!!

note: the play button acts as sort of a pause for the remove lite array. you can restart them all by hitting the reset button.

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Other Sequencer Sound Utility
  • Revision: 1.0
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 3 years ago
  • Views: 76
    Likes: 0
    Downloads: 52