Singing Path

This patch is some sort of adaptation of one of Omri Cohen’s videos on patching within VCV Rack.

It is a basic keyboard controlled synth that has a bit of modulation. Mixed with noise, a ping pong delay, and a reverb.

The keyboard gates and triggers ADSRs that modulate the output VCA and the frequency cutoff on the low-pass filter. It also re-triggers the 3 sequencers that modulate the note pitch, making it seems as if there were more than just one voice playing.

The sequencers are timed with an LFO that re-triggers a random module. This random module also modulates the LFO in order to create variation in speed and how speed changes for the sequencers.

Play around with the ADSRs and the filter in page 0 for some sound design options while you play.
You can watch my video explaining (in Spanish) to get an idea of how the patch works.

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Composition Sequencer Synthesizer
  • Revision: 0.1
  • License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
  • Modified: 1 year ago
  • Views: 572
    Likes: 2
    Downloads: 401