Scatter Attack Formation

Insert Mode Program. Equally useful in Series Routing (default) or optional Parallel Routing. Program MIX 40-50% (via EXP1). HarModulator into Reverse Reverb, with stereo use in mind.

Base Program: Medium delay fadeout with pitch-glide accents. Fed into granulated reverb reversal with thick modulation. Increasing fragmentation & chaos under foot control.

* EXP1 increases the [P] Mix + Delay A & B in HarModulator & Reverse Reverb Decay time.
* EXP2 is mapped to the [A] HotKnob + Late Dry & Diffusion in Reverse Reverb.
* Both expression pedals are saved at the full Heel position.

HotKnob mappings, for adjusting regeneration / micro-looping, modulation source & EQ:

* [P] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Feedback in HarModulator & Reverse Reverb [default = 15]
* [A] HotKnob (CW) change HarModulator Shape [default = 0 -OR- EXP2].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Low & High level in Reverse Reverb [default = 60].

* MIDI CC# 1 Reverse Reverb Mod Level
* MIDI CC# 2 HarModulator Mod Depth
* MIDI CC# 3 HarModulator Mod Sens / Speed
* MIDI CC# 8 HarModulator Mix
* MIDI CC#10 HarModulator Pitch Mix
* MIDI CC#16 HarModulator Pitch A
* MIDI CC#17 HarModulator Pitch B
* MIDI CC#18 Reverse Reverb Size
* MIDI CC#19 Reverse Reverb Contour
* MIDI CC#40 Reverse Reverb Mix

Other options:
* FLEX up 1 octave.
* Program-wide TAP: 80 BPM
* HS2 – high octave sheen with added reverb wash.
* HS3 – momentary or latching detuned unisons with infinite buildup.

[An Aside For The Adventurous: Easily create evolving atmospheres with the more extreme settings, such as [P] HotKnob = 100 with HS3 = ON. Not quite ‘infinite’ – with all of those modulations inline – but long enough. Clean it up with the CC#1 Mod Level inversion. Re-excite the drones with judicious input for layers of notes.]

See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.

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    1857 PM
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  • Category: Effect Other Sound
  • Revision: \___\___\___\___
  • License: Artistic license 2.0
  • Modified: 3 months ago
  • Views: 139
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    Downloads: 33