Here’s a version of the scarlet preset that adds a switch on Y/Aftertouch to bring in the vibrato that is controlled by Macro Controller vi. Otherwise it’s the same preset. Vibrato is always active in the original. This shows you how to use a Y scaling switch (goes immediately from 0 to 1) that scales the vibrato amount to unity that kicks in a tiny bit after Y starts so it does not trigger with too much sensitivity. See formula B. The original used a unity Z scaling for the vibrato which was changed to an ancillary +1 so that Y can be used for switching in the vibrato now. See how the vibrato was created in formula B when you bring up the original from the Osmose factory presets.
Note: This brings in the full vibrato width as set in the preset as Y scales immediately to unity. If you want to scale the vibrato width with aftertouch pressure up to its full amount, just create a ramp (linear or exponential) shape on Y from min to max.
Also note how the outputs of the OSCs that have vibrato applied are sent into a Kinetic Bank which is used as a filter (a common use case for Kinetic bank with Osmose presets).