
2 stereo looping samplers
Each looper has a fully stereo signal path from input to output.

Each sampler has its own (magenta) switch to enable or disable the post loop stereo delay and stereo reverb FX. When lit magenta this means that sampler loop is routed thru the post loop FX.

Each sampler has it’s own record, play, reverse, and pitch speed controls.

The left stomp switch controls whether the incoming audio input is routed through FX or Dry. (incoming audio is recorded dry regardless). There is also a blue button on the bottom row to select incoming audio wet/dry.

The pink button on the bottom row momentarily (while pressed) low-pass fades all channels routed through the post loop FX.

FX Tails are always maintained.

You will need to edit each sampler (top 2 Aqua modules on page 2) to define where each sampler will write the .wav files… I’d recommend naming them Sampler-2a and Sampler-2b (don’t want 2 samplers writing to the same filename simultaneously). You will need a hopped up (v 30) micro-SD card to get this to work also. Apologies… I was discovering how the v4.0 samplers work with uploaded patch minus the physical Sampler-2a.wav and Sampler-2b.wav files being included.

One comments on “Sampler-2
  • insektgod on said:

    I just checked and you will need to edit the Samplers to add the filename where your .wav files will be placed on the micro-SD card. I wasn’t sure how 4.0 firmware Samplers behaved. Likely you’ll need a pretty hopped up (v 30 capable micro-SD card as well). Apologies. I’d suggest naming them Sampler-2a and Sampler-2b… just so they are distinct… (don’t want two sampler writing to the same filename simultaneously.)

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    • Platform:
    • Category: Effect Sampler
    • Revision: 0.1
    • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
    • Modified: 3 months ago
    • Views: 558
      Likes: 1
      Downloads: 172