sample mangler

– the recent loopmix release made me want to check whether ‘similar’ loopmangling can be achieved with what’s already available on iPad. this is certainly not a worked through patch. I think it does show that such mangling is quite easily achievable.
-> in atom you can change the ‘speed of the tempo’, the samples that get played in the different positions (by changing the pitch), you can easily get ratchet/stutter/density effects by using the repeat-draw function (and setting the quantise/ratio) parameters
-> in koala you can easily import a sample, stretch it, bounce it, divide it evenly in 16 divisions (or any number, or by transients) and then play with it, reverse slices/chops, pitch them, set attack/release..

– needed in AUM: koala and atom 2

sketchy vid:

3 comments on “sample mangler
  • mcd on said:

    Nice Rig to illustrate using Koala as a sampler. I had to load one of my “songs” to understand how to use it. Didn’t watch your video yet.

  • mcd on said:

    Is the download counter broken? How does the creator get feedback?

  • jp_m on said:

    Thank you!

  • Leave a Reply

      67 PM
    • State: Work In Progress
    • Platform:
    • Category: Sampler Sequencer
    • Revision: 0.1
    • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
    • Modified: 2 years ago
    • Views: 569
      Likes: 4
      Downloads: 22