Insert Mode Program. Parallel Routing (default) or the Series Routing option for gains on the overall duration. Program MIX 50-40% (via EXP1). Resonator alongside Resonator, with stereo use in mind.
A basic decaying delay Program. The difference being the distinct panning effects, from discrete resonant comb/bandpass filters with the stereo pairing of the individual taps. Foot controls inject variations into those patterns, for dynamic accents & flash-freeze FX, which then blend back smoothly into the base delay config.
EXP1 drops the Program Mix while increasing Feedback in both Resonators, maintaining the pattern [Fdbck:1] to infinite repeat [99]. EXP2 increases the Reverb in both Resonators, up to a full washout. Both EXP pedals are saved at the full-Heel position.
HotKnob mappings, for making parameter adjustments:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Rhythm for both Resonators [default = 23]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Length in Resonator1 [default = 50].
* [B] HotKnob (CCW) adjust Length in Resonator2 [default = 100].
* MIDI CC# 8 Resonator1 Mix
* MIDI CC#12 Resonator1 Note 1
* MIDI CC#13 Resonator1 Note 2
* MIDI CC#14 Resonator1 Note 3
* MIDI CC#15 Resonator1 Note 4
* MIDI CC#16 Resonator2 Note 1
* MIDI CC#17 Resonator2 Note 2
* MIDI CC#18 Resonator2 Note 3
* MIDI CC#19 Resonator2 Note 4
* MIDI CC#40 Resonator2 Mix
* MIDI CC#71 Resonator1 & 2 Resonance
Other options:
* Individual TAP per delay line
* HS1 (M) – [Fdbck 1] FREEZE + Reverb wash.
* HS2 (M) – Feedback bump with filter warbles.
* HS3 (M) – [Fdbck 2] FREEZE w/ ‘collapsed’ delays.
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.
This program is so inspiring. I’ve never heard a delay quite like this. It so fun to play and get lost in. This is one is a new favorite. Thank you Brock!