Random Step Phaser

Roughly speaking, a phaser effect is an all-pass filter swept up and down by an LFO. Well, the beauty of modular is the ability to use so many different sources of CV modulation, and Nythsi’s NYSTEREOPHASER has an input for external modulation meaning we can use sample and hold instead of a boring LFO. Unfortunately you can’t independently modulate the left and right channels, so I’ve doubled everything up to create a wider sound, then copied the whole again on another channel, for two channels of stereo step phasing. The sample and hold module (Mockba Modular SHEight) is being clocked by Hetrick Dust to make the steps completely random – obviously you can patch in a regular clock if you want a tempo-synced step effect instead.
Naturally, there’s tons of reverb and delay from Chronoblob and Plateau on the mixer’s aux sends.

I’ve used free modules in case anyone else wants to use the patch, here are the subscriptions required:

Mockba Modular
Alright Devices


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  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect
  • Revision: 1
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 3 years ago
  • Views: 175
    Likes: 2
    Downloads: 104