Patch download question

I’m a complete noob at this stuff. All the patches I’ve downloaded from the site are downloading as documents (ending for example in pgm. And a number. They’re not the .ride or .H9z files the import option on h90 controller are looking for. Do I need an app to convert these or, the more likely scenario, am I just doing something dumb?

2 comments on “Patch download question
  • brock on said:

    It seems that you are Importing from the 3 vertical dots above one or the other “Presets”, under the Parameters tab. Presets are one half of the Programs you’ll find here (*.preset90, or an H9-based preset: *.h9z and *tide).

    Look for the currently loaded List on the far left (User 3, User 4, etc.). [You can’t overwrite a Factory List.] A “blank” Program will be labeled INIT Program. Right-click on one, and select Import Program … (*.pgm90) there.

    An easier method is leaving your download folder open alongside (File Explorer, in Windows). Drag the Program file over H90 Control on the left, and drop it into an INIT Program slot.

    That long cryptic number is something that PatchStorage appends to the Program names here. I usually clean it up first, and rename it back to the original, but that is optional.

  • coryb on said:

    Thanks a million! I really appreciate the help.

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