“How to” tutorial

Is there a tutorial on “How to import “Patch storage” user patches to your Eventide H90…or any other “How to use Patch storage”?

2 comments on ““How to” tutorial
  • brock on said:

    Most (if not all) of the Programs here are in Insert Mode, so that’s the 1st step to determine here. If you’re using Dual Mode, then you’ll have some conversions to get through. Currently, there’s no other way to convert between Modes.


    If you’re using Insert Mode, then it’s a fairly easy process. Basically, download a Program to your computer, then import from that location into the H90. The link below starts out with an initial focus on importing full Program Lists, then shifts to importing single Programs. Most of the PatchStorage uploads are Programs, but there are a number of Program Lists, too (clearly labeled as such in the file descriptions).


    Finally, there’s a wealth of information on the H90 & H90 Control app in the online manual. I’ll point to one very pertinent section below:


    You can import Programs from PatchStorage to any of the User (1-4) Lists, but I’ll recommend that you Create A New List, and name it appropriately. There are many, many Programs to choose from here – simple to complex; bread ‘n’ butter to experimental – and importing them to a New List or two will help out immensely with your file organization later on.

    Have fun with this!

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