CC range to note range

Hi, I’ve got a Genki Wave controller (ring) that uses the following controllers:

Genki Wave Midi Controllers

Tilt (tilt hand vertically) – CC16
Pan (pan wrist horizontally)- CC17
Roll (wrist rotate)- CC18
Vibrato – CC19
Tap – Note C1 (36)
Click – CC21 (Down Button)

I know the Wave is geared for CC modifications, but I’m trying to turn it into a useful theremin type device, to actually play notes with some limited success but wonder if this can be better within AUM.

In Midiflow, I am converting CC16 to note values, and remapping CC17 to volume. I’m filtering out CC18 and CC19 for now. I’ve remapped note values to play (for my test preset) only D major pentatonic notes. This works a bit, but I seem to get a lot of zippered noises that I think comes from so many CC16 msgs creating the same notes. Is there a way to better do this? Like a way to thin out some CC16 values and say play D pentatonic over 3 octaves?

I guess another question might be how to smoothly trigger note on and note offs, if possible.

Also, does anyone perhaps have an idea for the CC18 that could be usefully remapped?

Bottom line, is basically how to best turn the continuous controllers into a playable instrument? Ideas?

One comments on “CC range to note range
  • Kasia_Bigoudi on said:

    Very interesting job…have also Genki ring. May test your script?….

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