Q-Vox Faux Bass Channel Strip (Electric guitar Single Coil Pickup)

I tried my best to match the faux bass sound I’ve been getting with my HX Stomp but all with AUs. This can be a starting point. Every guitar will be different so tweaking will be needed to dial this in. It’s basically Q-Vox into Thafkner with a Fender Precision IR from 3 Sigma Audio into a compressor and then into Fab Filter Dynamic Eq (bass guitar tonal cntrl) After that it’s into a THU Bass rig called dark B7k Fat. To be honest I’m not sure if the IR makes much difference. IF YOU DON”T USE THE IR YOU WILL NEED SOMETHING TO MAKE IT MONO. I SUGGEST THE APP CALLED “STEREO WIDTH” In that app tap the “mono” button to make it mono. A lot will depend on your guitar and the input level needs to be pretty hot to get better pitch tracking. If you don’t have the above apps substitute the built in LP Compressor and Eq as well as any bass amp and cab from another AU (Tonestack Pro for example)

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    19 PM
  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect
  • Revision: 0.1
  • License: Custom License
  • Modified: 1 month ago
  • Views: 365
    Likes: 1
    Downloads: 4