PulseStar generative sequencer

PulseStar is an LFO based generative sequencer inspired by the pulsequencer found in the excellent “Solderbox” plugin by Bram Bos and Jakob Haq.

The different sections of the plugin explain the way how it operates:

The output of four Graphic Modulators (MODULATION) is added together to create the basic pitch signal. The speed of each individual modulator can be changed by an LFO (SPEED). There is the option to add another LFO signal (PITCH LFO) to the output. This is mainly to add randomness because the Graphic Modulator Modules have no randomness option.

GATE SOURCE selects the source used to RUN/STOP the sequence:
HOST – Sequence runs when transport is running.
RUN – Sequence runs.
EXT – Use the gate input of the module.
STOP – Sequence stopped.
TRIGGER MODE selects the way how the actual trigger signal for the individual notes is generated:
ENV – The output of an Envelope follower is substracted from the raw pitch signal and a trigger sent when the rectified signal passes the threshold.
MOD – Graphic Modulator / LFO combo.
RND – Random trigger events.

The (inverted) output of an LFO is modulating the velocity. Turn “Amount” to the left (zero) to have constant maximum velocity.

SCALE – quantize the pitch signal to the set scale.
S&H – a sample and hold is freezing the pitch output between triggers.
OFF – send the raw pitch signal to CV out.

– Combine synchronized and free running modulators for both pitch and trigger to create dynamic sequences.
– Use the Pitch LFO in S&H or S&H ramp mode to add random variations to the sequence.
– The Velocity LFO can be used to add rhythm to the sequence.

One comments on “PulseStar generative sequencer
  • offbrands on said:

    Yooooo. Gonna try this out. Thanks for sharing!

  • Leave a Reply

      283 PM
    • State: Work In Progress
    • Platform:
    • Category: Sequencer
    • Revision: 0.1
    • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
    • Modified: 1 month ago
    • Views: 296
      Likes: 2
      Downloads: 12