Playful Freezes

This is a simple mono synth that is able to be frozen as well as looped. Routing might not be optimal, I’m not really a pro when it comes to ZOIA yet hahah.

Audio input runs into a Reverb Lite module and directly to the Left side of the Audio Output.
Theres a 24keys keyboard on the front page, it runs into an oscillator, with it’s VCA and ADSR modules and such, then into a Plate Reverb that goes into a Vibrato, and this is where everything gets a bit confusing (at least for me, and I hope I get to fix it or make it better).
Vibrato module then goes to both a granular and a looper, and CH3 of an audio mixer
Granular is able to freeze with the Left stompswitch, then runs into the reverb lite module and CH2 of the audio mixer.
Looper runs into a VCA and then into CH1 of the audio mixer.
Audio mixer runs into the bouth audio outputs.

Here’s the extras.
L Stmpswtch – Freeze
M Stmpswtch – Looper rec/play/overdub
R Stmpswtch – Slew limiter that fades in/out the looper’s VCA
5 note keyboard – pitch 0, pitch -12, pitch -7, pitch +7, pitch +12 for looper speed/pitch.

All stomps have visual fdbk on the front page: bottom left (blue) is the freeze, next button (red) for the rec and overdub functions of the looper, and next button (white) is for the slew limiter so when it’s lit up you know you’ll hear wtv is looped.

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect Synthesizer
  • Revision: 1.0
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 4 years ago
  • Views: 1203
    Likes: 3
    Downloads: 914