Insert Mode Program in Parallel Routing (default). Becomes extremely vocal in optional Series Routing. Program Mix 50%. Instant Phaser alongside Instant Phaser, with stereo use in mind.
Reflecting the rapid intensification of TD4 / T.S. Debby here, the default has maximum Feedback in both phasers, which accents the vocalizing effects. Use the [P] HotKnob or EXP2 to dial it down into gentler dual-MXR territory.
Base Program: Dual stereo phaser with slow modulation. Some offset or mirrored parameters cross over for formant-type filtering, with both LFOs and expression pedals.
* EXP1 controls the LFO Rate & LFO Width in both Instant Phasers.
* EXP2 controls the [P] HotKnob parameters listed below.
* Both expression pedals are saved at the full Heel position.
HotKnob mappings, for making parameter adjustments:
* [P] HotKnob (CCW) decrease Feedback in Instant Phaser 1 & 2 [default = 100]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) change Mode & adjust Env Thresh in Instant Phaser-1 [default = 30].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) change Mode & adjust Env Thresh in Instant Phaser-2 [default = 70].
* MIDI CC# 1 Instant Phaser 1&2 Mode
* MIDI CC# 2 Instant Phaser 1&2 Env Thresh
* MIDI CC# 3 Instant Phaser 1&2 Age
* MIDI CC# 8 Instant Phaser-1 Depth
* MIDI CC#40 Instant Phaser-2 Depth
Other options:
* RETRIGGER LFO in either Instant Phaser.
* Engage both simultaneously to re-sync LFOs.
* HS1 – Fast attack followed by wider oscillation.
* HS2 – Deeper talkbox FX for use with EXP1.
* HS3 (M) – FM-like effect from rapid aging.
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.