
Orba Mononoke Helper v1 by dobbs

This script allows you to play the pads of the Mononoke Synth with an Artiphon Orba 2. Use a diatonic preset set to either C major or C minor scale on the Orba and put it into MPE mode.

Radial movement on the pads allows you to control volume, left-right movement allows for polyphonic pitch shift/vibrato, but the effect is very subtle with the native settings. Pressure controls the Shape LFO rate.

The button allows you to switch between different Pitch bending modes. Turned off, you can use the polyphonic pitch bend of the orba pads. With TiltPitch turned on, the polyphonic pitch shift will be disabled and you can pitch bend by tilting the device. With the knob you can set the pitch bending range and the XY-pad shows you a live view of the pitch shift, with neutral being in the center of the XY pad.

Thanks to McD and the audiobus forum for all the help to get me started!

And now, enjoy!

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Utility
  • Revision: 1.0
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 1 year ago
  • Views: 305
    Likes: 3
    Downloads: 11