
Octaloops is the next generation of OracLoops with the added ability for up to 8 simultaneously playing samples!

The program functions very similarly to OracLoops with the lower octave C, C#, D, and D# controlling sample starts for 1, 2, 3, and 4, with E acting as a global start. This applies to the upper octave in the case of stopping. What has now changed is the inclusion of F, F#, G, and G# also controlling samples 5, 6, 7, and 8.

To adjust the parameters for the other group of samples, click A# in either octave to switch which bank of samples they effect. This was implemented to avoid having to double the amount of pages that would be in the patch in an already somewhat page bloated module. Because I decided to go this route there is a tiny screen flicker when changing pages as the screen has to manually update the parameters. It’s a little annoying but better then having 21 pages!

Holding B in the lower octave will display on the screen what samples are loaded in 1234 and the upper octave will show 5678.

The loop indicator has also had some modifications done to it to indicate which samples are currently active with 0’s indicating off and 1’s indicating on. If a samples mode is set to trigger, the indicator will automatically turn to 0 when the sample is finished.

A couple of bugs were addressed in this new version and I have also added a Quantization page as well. If you are using Transport or the modified version of Multicycle, the beat number will be indicated in the middle of the patch. 0 on the Quant page will allow for free triggering of the samples and 1 will queue the start on the next 1.

NOTE: Octaloops is a multicore patch and is designed for Organelle M and S

3 comments on “Octaloops+
  • jorkulture on said:

    hey there, thanks for the patch – sounds great!
    unfortunately everytime i load the module into orhack, my organelle freezes and becomes unusable.
    anyone else experiencing this? or maybe it’s because i’m using a supercharged quadcore organelle 1…

  • t8r on said:

    Hey @jorkulture you may want to check and see if it will work with the vnc server running. If it does work, login to the organelle and adjust the module.pd file where and make the message being sent read “pd start -nogui pd~-octaloops”

    When the nogui flag isn’t there, it opens the PD file in a new window so you can adjust it in real time but it only works with an active desktop environment

  • jorkulture on said:

    fantastic! it works, thank you so much! <3

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      411 PM
    • Platform:
    • Category: Sampler
    • Revision: 1.1
    • License: GNU General Public License v3.0
    • Modified: 10 months ago
    • Views: 745
      Likes: 3
      Downloads: 93