Change sequence (State) in Neon Sequencer instances by sending Program Change 1-8 on the next bar after tapping. The output can be sent to to multiple instances of Neon AUv3 without having to tap on each one individually.
• NOTE: To respond to Program Change Neon requires going to the standalone to set clock to External, even if you’re using the plugin. Once you do that, you always have to have something sending clock to it. So, for instance, in AUM, you need to enable clock send and make the Neon plugin a destination.
• Host transport must be running. If you queue a change while stopped, the change will be sent on host transport start.
• You can change the channel the script uses for output with the Ch. knob.
• See @Settings in the script for a few configuration options.
Neon Sequencer Synced State Switch
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Another note: In AUM, after you take the unusual step of sending clock to an AU plugin (see above), you will also find that Neon stops responding to transport after you press the play button to stop AUM. Tap the “rewind to beginning” transport in AUM to get Neon going again.