MultiTrack Sample Box (Auto DJ)

This project is a type of “Auto DJ”.

It uses Nysthi MusicBox nodes to play “songs” based on short loops (16 bar). The MusicBoxes are sequenced to play 8 loops at a time per “song”, and these loops will automatically swap, by type. Giving each “song” some internal variety. The “songs” will also transition between each other, by adding loops from the next song and removing loops from the previous.

The progress of the sequencing to the next “song” is pause-able. And, each loop in each song is also mutable (on the next play), to be able to do manual builds and drops.

There is also a MusicBox at the top, for loading in (and manually triggering) longer samples.. e.g. longer vocal tracks, breakdowns, stems, etc. And, a couple more MusicBoxes at the bottom that work as “auto-choppers” for longer samples.

Give it a try. Let me know if you have questions.

Mr. Beastly

6 comments on “MultiTrack Sample Box (Auto DJ)
  • kleinemaschinen on said:

    Where did all these vocal samples come from. A bit progressive some of these speeches, just what we need! More people being concerned is what we need; about what is happening in this world scale fuck up!

  • arnufl on said:

    Ce patch m’a l’air terrible mais je ne vois aucun échantillon de voix , comment faut il les importer

  • arnufl on said:

    Ok compris , merci, ça marche super

  • mr_beastly on said:

    @kleinemaschinen Btw, these speeches are from 1936 and 1976, so they’re not really about anything from this current “world scale fuck up”. Despite what you see on the “news”, most people are much better off today then back in those days. Let’s just try to remind people to try to keep things improving, and not roll back to the “bad old days” when these speeches were even more justified. ;)

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    • State: Work In Progress
    • Platform:
    • Category: Composition Effect Sampler Sequencer Utility
    • Revision: 1.7.2
    • License: Custom License
      Terms of use: Enjoy and share!
    • Modified: 3 weeks ago
    • Views: 592
      Likes: 5
      Downloads: 108