Moog Labyrinth – A VCV Rack Emulation

I had fun with Omri Cohen’s emulation, but wanted something that more closely emulated the features of the Moog hardware. Boy what a can of worms! The Labyrinth does not self resonate, so swapping in a State Variable filter for a Steiner Parker was easy. Creating my own anti-aliased wave folder with two stages of folding followed by saturation wasn’t too bad. But creating the sequencer – Oh My! The sequencer alone more than doubled the size of Omri’s original patch. By the time I was finished, only the VCO section remained – everything else had been replaced or heavily modified.

The end feature set is very similar to the actual hardware. There are some features missing, especially the option to chain the two 8 step sequencers into one 16 step. But there are also some enhancements. The differences are all described within the patch notes.

The emulator is a joy to work with – I have gotten lost “within the Labyrinth” for hours. I imagine it would be even more amazing if mapped to a midi controller.

Have fun exploring…

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Synthesizer Video
  • Revision: 1
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 6 months ago
  • Views: 538
    Likes: 10
    Downloads: 186