Modulated Ring Mod

Because I took so much, here is a small contribution from my side: A simple double ring modulator with a few features.

The patch contains seven screens. To switch between screens, simply hold the AUX button and press a note on your Organelle.
C => Screen 1
C# => Screen 2
D => Screen 3

Alternatively, hold down the AUX button and turn knob 1 (the most left on your Organelle).

Setting values: The knobs have a “catch” function. So don’t be irritated if a value does not change immediately.

TAP function:
Hit the AUX button until the LED is green (4 times). This will set the frequency of the LFO

Screen 1 (AUX+C) Resonance frequencies:
Freq fact: Because it is very difficult or even impossible to achieve an exact value with the potentiometers for larger value ranges, you can set a factor here which multiplies Freq 1. But unfortunately that is not the solution to this problem either.

Freq 1: Frequency of the first oscillator.

Freq 2 fact: Factor for Freq 2.

Freq 2: Frequency of the second oscillator. Displays BPM now.

Screen 2 (AUX + C#) Gain & Filter:
Gain: Input gain.

Cutoff fact: Factor for cutoff.

Cutoff: Cutoff frequency of the filter.

Resonance: The level of resonance. Please take care!

Screen 3 (AUX+D) LFO Screen 1:
Rate fact: Factor for rate.

Rate: LFO frequency in Hz.

Depth: The height of the amplitude.

Offset: The positive or negative shift in amplitude.

Screen 4 (AUX+D#) LFO Screen II:
Wafe shape: Sine, Square, Ramp up, Ramp down, Triangle.

Fold: The wave folding.

Square width: The width of the square wave.

Sampling rate: Sometimes you have to work with “snapshot”. The higher the resolution, the more processor is required. 5 ms turned out to be a very good value.

Screen 5 (AUX+E) Screen LFO 3:
Target: The target value to be modulated (None, Ring Freq, Filter Cutoff, Volume). Ramps and square are unfortunately a bit noisy here. I still have to work on that.

Screen 6 (AUX+F) Mix:
Saturation: Saturation ;-)

Freq 2 Mixin: Brings oscillator 2 into play.

Instability: Makes everything gently wobbling around.

Wet: Dry-Wet Relation.

Screen 7 (AUX+F#) Pedal Setup:
Target: Select one of 11 targets for the pedal.

Pedal min, Pedal max:
Due to some issues with pedal settings I decided to customize the pedal min and max values. Move the pedal to the minimum and maximum position and set the values manually. Values will be stored and restored on patch start up phase. Current and computed values will be shown in line 5.

v 0.2:
Gain max has been way to much (up to 5000%). Now gain max is on 200%.

v 1.0:
* Added TAP for LFO speed
* Added pedal support
* Added stereo for syntesizers
* Improved gritty sound when LFO targets volume (still gritty, but less)
* Clean up
* Fixed smaller bugs (screen rendering has been buggy sometimes)

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect
  • Revision: 1.0
  • License: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
  • Modified: 11 months ago
  • Views: 786
    Likes: 2
    Downloads: 115