A 6-voice FM synthesizer specializing in harmonic drones and metallic textures.
Update 0.3: Major simplification of controls / better scaling. Improved reverb. Addition of cc inputs. Two LFOs for harmonics.
Midi CCs:
30: Index
31: Carrier Harmonic
32: Mod Harmonic
33: Index EG target
34: Carrier Freq
35: Carrier Intensity
36: Modulator Freq
37: Modulator Intensity
38: A
39: D
40: S
41: R
42: Verb Gain
43: Verb Decay
44: Verb Diffusion
45: Verb mix
This is another patch utilizing externals from gen~. The carrier and modulator are set as multiples of the reference frequency, from 1 to 15; any inputs between whole numbers will get rounded over a few hundred milliseconds, keeping the overall sound harmonic and making for nice sweeping sounds when playing with the main page controls. The carrier and modulator can be additionally modulated themselves on page 2; the frequency for the carrier is indexed to the note being currently played, but can be detuned for extra thickness.
Page 1:
Knob 1: FM Index
Knob 2: Carrier Harmonic
Knob 3: Modulator Harmonic
Knob 4: Transpose Keyboard
Page 2:
Knob 1: Carrier modulator
Knob 2: Carrier mod intensity
Knob 3: Modulator modulator
Knob 4: Modulator mod intensity
Page 3: ADSR
Page 4: Tunings
Knob 1: Active tuning
Knob 2: (Inactive)
Knob 3: Fundamental (for alternative tunings only; no effect on 12TET)
Knob 4: Fine tune fundamental
Page 5: Reverb
Knob 1: Reverb gain
Knob 2: Decay (Careful!)
Knob 3: Reverb diffusion
Knob 4: Reverb wet/dry
Page 6: Envelope Generator for Index
Knob 1: Target Index (the index reached after attack stage; the envelope begins with and returns to the index selected on page 1)
Knob 2: Attack time
Knob 3: Decay time
Knob 4: Index on/off
Page 7: LFOs
Knob 1: LFO 1 on/off
Knob 2: LFO 1 frequency
Knob 3: LFO 2 on/off
Knob 4: LFO 2 frequency
Page 10: Presets
Knob 1: select save/load
Knob 2: preset number
Knob 3: Twist from left to right to save/load
Bugfix: Restored missing connection which disabled reverb.
FANYASTIC, thanks so much, been trying to find a good 4 to 6 voice FM for an age
An example of a simple drone, with harmonics and carrier / modulator frequency sequenced by my digitakt (added crud courtesy of tascam four track and landscape stereo field):