Launchpad Mini Mk1/Mk2 Drum Sequencer

This Mozaic script turns the Launchpad Mini Mk1/Mini Mk2* into a 4-channel drum sequencer, with the following features:
– 16 steps per bar, up to 8 bar slots can be programmed
– Bars can be played back sequentially or manually selected
– Per-step accents with per-channel accent strength
– Per-step retriggers: x2, x3, x4
– Channel muting and velocity control
– Pattern chaining mode: Create a chain of up to 256 bars
– Midi maps for Ruismaker, Ruismaker FM, Pure Acid, Korg Gadget, FAC Drumkit, Koala Sampler, General Midi, Chromatic, Roland T-8 and Korg Volca Beats
– Swing and Humanize controls. Humanize adds a random velocity variation to each step
– Midi Machine Control (MMC) for Launchpad play/stop button (enable in AUM)

Changelog: v1.22
Rearranged GUI in Pattern Chaining mode – Related functions are grouped together by colour

*NOTE: Not tested on the Mini Mk2 but should work ok. According to the Novation website, the differences between Mini Mk1 and Mk2 are cosmetic only. The Launchpad S grid numbering is different, so it will not work without modification.
The Launchpad Mini Mk1/Mk2 have limited colours compared to the Mini Mk3, but feature-wise the scripts are the same.

The script contains a detailed description of all functions and I have also made a pdf showing all the controls and routing. Link for pdf download…

IMPORTANT: The destination drum app MUST be filtered to receive midi on channel 10 or stray triggers will occur.

Step-by-step setup and use
– Connect Launchpad Mini to iPad and launch AUM
– Add a midi channel and load Mozaic
– Add an audio channel and load a drum app
– Enable ‘Receive MMC’ and ‘Rewind when stopped’ in AUM/Midi Control/Transport parameters
– Load the Sequencer script (LP SEQ) into Mozaic
– Open the AUM routing matrix and route as follows:
– LP SEQ to Midi Control, Launchpad Mini, drum app (eg. Ruismaker)
– Launchpad Mini to LP SEQ
– Re-UPLOAD the script in Mozaic to initialise the Launchpad
– TIP: At this point it’s worth saving the completed setup as a template in AUM
– Select a Midi map with knob 10
– Select a preset for each channel (A,B,C,D) with the bottom row knobs (for Ruismaker, Ruismaker FM and Pure Acid the labels are the default preset names. For Koala the pad numbers are shown, General Midi shows the midi note numbers and Chromatic shows the note and octave)
– Select the number of steps (bars) with knob 5. The top row of buttons on the Launchpad show the number of bars, with the current bar brightly lit
– Enter a pattern on the Launchpad. Each channel is 2 rows of 8 pads, each press of a pad toggles the step on and off
– Press Play, either using the AUM transport controls or button H on the Launchpad
– Channels can be muted with buttons A,B,C,D on the Launchpad (the colour of the mute button matches the channel colour)
– The velocity for each channel can be changed with the top row of knobs. If the velocity is changed when a channel is muted, it will unmute at the new velocity
– Add an accent to a step by holding down the accent button on the Launchpad (button E) and pressing a step – the step will light brighter than a normal step. See the script description for step toggle behaviour. When the accent button is held down the velocity knobs change to show the accent velocity for each channel
– Add a retrigger by holding down the retrig button on the Launchpad (button F) and pressing a step. With each press of the step the retrigger value changes – x2, x3, x4, x1. The label above the pads briefly changes to display the retrigger value, and it is also shown in the log window

NOTE: during playback some controls are locked (for instance, the SHIFT button) – check the Log window for messages.

The midi output can also be recorded into Atom, Atom2 or MIDI Tape Recorder. Route as per the drum app. Set the grid size to 1/64 in Atom/Atom2 to capture retriggered steps.

Known Issues:
– Pure Acid retriggers not working properly (not sure why). Retriggers working fine with other destination apps and also tested ok with a hardware drum machine.

I’ve tested the script pretty extensively, but if you find any issues or have a question, leave a comment. Also, if you’d like midi maps for different drum apps I haven’t included, let me know – I only included the apps I already had and could test with the script.

2 comments on “Launchpad Mini Mk1/Mk2 Drum Sequencer
  • carlos77 on said:

    Quick Tip – the Koala midi map also works with FAC Drumkit

  • carlos77 on said:

    Also works in Loopy Pro. Follow the steps below to setup…

    1. Connect Launchpad to iPad
    2. Launch Loopy Pro and start a new project
    3. Open the mixer view
    4. Press ‘+’ button (bottom right of screen), Add MIDI, Launchpad MIDI Out
    5. Press ‘+’ button, Add MIDI, Mozaic
    6. Press ‘+’ button, Add Audio Unit Input, then select an AUV3 (I’ve used Ruismaker in the example below)
    7. On the Launchpad mixer channel, tap on ‘+’ in the Destinations section, add Mozaic
    8. On the Mozaic mixer channel, tap on ‘+’ in the Destinations section and add Launchpad MIDI In and Ruismaker as destinations
    9. Tap on the Ruismaker destination you have just added and set to channel 10 (top slider)
    10. Open the Mozaic GUI and load the sequencer script
    11. This step is optional – do this if you want to configure the Play/Stop button on the Launchpad: MIDI Learn (main menu) the Play/Stop button in Loopy Pro and bind it to the bottom right button on the Launchpad
    12. Go to Control Settings (main menu), MIDI Devices, Launchpad MIDI Out, and disable feedback
    13. Select a tempo
    14. Program a sequence on the Launchpad. Tapping a doughnut will record and loop the sequence. The Launchpad sequence can then be cleared and another one created, which can be recorded to another doughnut, and so on…

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    • Platform:
    • Category: Sequencer
    • Revision: 1.22
    • License: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0
    • Modified: 3 weeks ago
    • Views: 1216
      Likes: 4
      Downloads: 44