Lark Song

I was recently in Ireland with my wife for our 35th anniversary, and I came up with this when I got sick and was stuck in the B&B for a day. I do enjoy minimalist patches every now and then. The non-octave-repeating scale folds at 13 semitones instead of an octave, which I think adds a lot of interest. The Sapphire Lark is a really nice polyphonic chaotic CV source, and VCO Lab is a sonic playground.

This patch was recorded with a new version 2.11.1 of the Venom plugin with improved sound for the VCO saw and square waveforms. It has not yet hit the library. Not sure if it makes a noticeable difference, but v2.11.1 can be downloaded at

Also, I am using the Galactic3 ambient reverb effect in the AirWindows, which is currently not in the library version of AirWindows. You can get it in the nightly build at

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Composition Video
  • Revision: 1
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 2 months ago
  • Views: 267
    Likes: 4
    Downloads: 47