invada.lv2 Bundle

Plugin: Invada Compressor (mono)

The Invada Compressor is a very easy to use, high-quality relaxed compressor that features 6 knobs and a high level of controllability.

A compressor reduces the level of an audio signal if its amplitude exceeds the set threshold. The gain reduction is determined by the ratio: a ratio of 4:1 means that if the input level is 4dB over the threshold, the output signal is 1dB over the threshold.

The ‘Attack’ controls how quickly the compressor starts to act. the ‘Release’ is the period when the compressor gradually stops acting. The Knee controls whether the bend in the response curve between below threshold and above threshold is abrupt (hard) or graduated (soft).

Modeled by Invada

Credit: Fraser Stuart

Plugin: Invada Compressor (stereo)

The Invada Compressor is a very easy to use, high-quality relaxed compressor that features 6 knobs and a high level of controllability.

A compressor reduces the level of an audio signal if its amplitude exceeds the set threshold. The gain reduction is determined by the ratio: a ratio of 4:1 means that if the input level is 4dB over the threshold, the output signal is 1dB over the threshold.

The ‘Attack’ controls how quickly the compressor starts to act. the ‘Release’ is the period when the compressor gradually stops acting. The Knee controls whether the bend in the response curve between below threshold and above threshold is abrupt (hard) or graduated (soft).

Modeled by Invada

Credit: Fraser Stuart

Plugin: Invada Delay Munge (mono in)

The Delay Munge is a unique delay pedal that is great for ambient sounds.
The Munge effect sets this pedal apart from the rest of the delay pedal family. It alters the shape and feel of each repetition caused by the delay effect. This can be controlled by changing the values of the LFO and Munge knobs and offers a lot of authenticity and dynamics to a sound.

Modeled by Invada

Credit: Fraser Stuart

Plugin: Invada Delay Munge (sum L+R in)

The Delay Munge is a unique delay pedal that is great for ambient sounds.
The Munge effect sets this pedal apart from the rest of the delay pedal family. It alters the shape and feel of each repetition caused by the delay effect. This can be controlled by changing the values of the LFO and Munge knobs and offers a lot of authenticity and dynamics to a sound.

Modeled by Invada

Credit: Fraser Stuart

Plugin: Invada Stereo Phaser (mono in)

The Sphaser features unique controls such as Phase Offset and a very long oscillation which makes it a go-to pedal for authentic phase effects.

Modeled by Invada

Credit: Fraser Stuart

Plugin: Invada Stereo Phaser (stereo in)

This is the stereo version of the Sphaser effect.
The Sphaser features unique controls such as Phase Offset and a very long oscillation which makes it a go-to pedal for authentic phase effects.

Modeled by Invada

Credit: Fraser Stuart

Plugin: Invada Stereo Phaser (sum L+R in)

This version of the Sphaser effect pedal sums up the two inputs.
The Sphaser features unique controls such as Phase Offset and a very long oscillation which makes it a go-to pedal for authentic phase effects.

Modeled by Invada

Credit: Fraser Stuart

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    25066 PM
  • State: Work In Progress
  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect Utility
  • Revision: 2.1
  • License: GNU General Public License family
  • Modified: 1 year ago
  • Views: 350
    Likes: 0
    Downloads: 207
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