
This is a port of Zack Schollz (infinitedigits)’s monome Norns patch Icarus!


Zack originally based this on the Korg Monotron delay which makes sense if you have played with one of those. I don’t have a Norns (yet) so this was built entirely from code inspection and YouTube videos.

It has been a passion project of mine for a few months now to figure out how to do this using Supercollider on the Organelle and it is finally ready to share.

– 5 voice Polyphonic Super-saw Synth
– Pulse wave sub Oscillator
– Hard-wired, 100% wet, low fi delay insanity
– Stereo Output (and input)
– AUX key + physical keys 1-3 introduce temporary “shifts”
– MIDI input support (setup in OG settings and relaunch patch, don’t forget to save)
– Fun graphics!

Supercollider is a bit weird on Organelle! So there is a dance you need to do to make this patch work.

First: Installation requires internet access so we can install a prerequisite (jackd) and installation can TAKE SEVERAL MINUTES so please be patient and let it do it’s thing while the deploy script is running.

Second: Supercollider on the Organelle M/S (and therefore this patch!) will only run after installation if it thinks there is some kind of screen/display attached. You can fake this by restarting your Organelle and then going to Wi-Fi Settings -> Start VNC. This process actually crashes mother and you end up back at the root of the main menu. But even without connecting a display or signing in via VNC (or even connecting a network), after you land at the root of the menu you should be able to launch the Icarus patch from the Synthesizers menu without issue. If you see a black screen and do NOT see “heating up supercollider” then you may have the display issue. Try the steps above again.

Have fun! Beware this can get loud.

12 comments on “Icarus
  • hoovobot on said:

    wow, nice work! can’t wait to try it.

    I’m not super familiar with norns, but dig the idea of its patch universe possibly mingling with the organelle more in the future.

    the ‘dance to make sc work’ doesn’t sound too bad (will report back)

  • holgap on said:

    Super great patch! loveit!
    Thank you.

    …but i can´t get my external Keystep to work with this patch.
    i followed your instructions… any idea?

  • dessertplanet on said:

    @holgap really glad you like it!

    The first thing to try is double check your keystep works with other patches (try analog style or something).

    If it does then can you share your patch_loaded.sh with me from the root of your SD card? You should be able to download it from the web server.

    The midi settings you save in System > MIDI Setup are stored in that file so that is where the patch is reading from.

  • hoovobot on said:

    beautiful patch! lots of fun to get lost in. no issues with install.

    can’t seem to get midi to work via the midi in port (channel 1) after saving midi settings a couple times with a reboot in between. other patches receiving fine.

    not really an issue for me, but I’ll try to share my patch_loaded.sh file if that’s helpful.

    again, very nice work, i love the graphics display.

  • dessertplanet on said:

    Aha I never tested with the TRS midi inputs. I’ll investigate and report back. In the meantime can you guys try MIDI over USB? Also worth double checking what is your Organelle OS version?

  • dessertplanet on said:

    Fixed! Version 1.1 is now available and allows the use of the MIDI TRS input (no settings setup needed there at all).

    I’ve tested upgrade so even if you already have 1.0 you can just download and run the 1.1 zop and it will patch the right files automatically. It will also skip the prereqs if you already have them so install is much faster.

  • hoovobot on said:

    nice! checking it out now.
    and just to confirm, my usb midi with a keystep was working fine on the original version too.

  • holgap on said:

    super! i‘m happy.
    thanks for your quick fix.

  • 3deye on said:

    This is beautiful, this is awesome. Thank you so much.

  • nateschmold on said:

    Incredible patch! Wow. Thank you for your efforts!

  • Leave a Reply

    • Platform:
    • Category: Effect Sound Synthesizer
    • Revision: 1.1
    • License: MIT License
    • Modified: 12 months ago
    • Views: 2158
      Likes: 14
      Downloads: 297